NaYAN co-founded Asia Water Council of Youth Professionals

National Young Academy of Nepal (NaYAN) is one of the founding members from Asia to establish Youth Professionals network, a special committee of Asia Water Council. The committee was announced at 2nd Asia International Water Week (AIWW) in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia during 14-16 March 2022.

NaYAN member Mr. Saroj Panthi participated in person and Dr. Basant Giri, Dr. Nirina Khadgi and Mr. Ghanashyam Khanal participated virtually in the event. Mr. Panthi presented an introductory poster about NaYAN and Dr. Nirina Khadgi gave a presentation about the NaYAN. Mr. Panthi also participated in Expo and Mekong River programs. The special opening session was chaired by Ma'ruf Amin, vice-president of Republic of Indonesia. Ban – Ki Moon, former General Secretary of United Nation and Minister of Environment of Republic of Korea were also present in the opening ceremony.

The Labuan meeting endorsed a Asia to world statement 2022 – a young professional statement (see below). Third Asia International Water Week will be held in 2024 in China.


Young Professional Statement

We, the Young Professionals from Asia and the Pacific countries, assembled in Labuan Bajo, Republic of Indonesia on March 14, 2022 on the occasion of the 2nd Asia International Water Week (AIWW),

Recalling the United Nations General Assembly resolution (A/RES/64/292), explicitly recognizing “the right to safe and clean drinking-water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights”, and the Human Rights Council resolution (A/HRC/RES/15/9) affirming this recognition and that the right is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living,

Recalling further the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/RES/70/1) which contains 17 aspirational goals (the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs), including a goal dedicated to Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) entitled “Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All”, highlighting in this regard, water is a cross-cutting factor that is crucial for the achievement of all SDGs,

Recognizing United Nations’ Resolution A/RES/71/222 ‘International Decade of Action, “Water for Sustainable Development” 2018-2028’ on 21 December 2016, adopted by the General Assembly, by which it proclaimed that further efforts to achieve the sustainable development of water resources are needed, and therefore emphasized the greater need for countries to take active commitments on relevant issues,

Recognizing also the synergies between the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Agreement adopted by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda (A/RES/71/256), adopted by the General Assembly on 23 December 2016, to address worthwhile discussions in respect to sustainable human settlements for all,

Having reviewed ‘Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2020’ published by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Asia has the largest global concentration of water-related risks, including water scarcity, floods, droughts, water pollution, melting glaciers and inadequate access to safe and clean water and sanitation services, and additionally rapid urbanization and population growth, intense industrial activities and climate change pose an additional threat to water security in Asia,

Affirming that Asia and Pacific, as one of the most dynamic, innovative, and fastest growing areas, plays fundamental role in achieving 2030 Agenda through mutual cooperation, accelerated efforts and active commitments,

Emphasizing that COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the sustainable and equitable provision of clean water and sanitation services affordable to all is the key to achieve the global welfare, and therefore highlighting innovation and collaboration in the water sector are essential to prepare for the New Normal Era,

Recognizing the Declaration of the 1st Asia to World Statement on the occasion of the 1st Asia International Water Week, which promoted institutional and regional cooperation between relevant authorities and stakeholders to share practical and insightful knowledge, experiences, and networks in solving water problems in Asia,

Having adopted six main themes of the 2nd Asia International Water Week under the slogan of “Sustainable, Clean and Sufficient Water for All” – which are (1) Water for Sustainable Growth; (2) Smart Water Solutions for IWRM; (3) Water and Climate Change; (4) Water-Energy-Food Nexus; (5) Water and Ecosystems; and (6) Knowledge, Dissemination and Innovation – the second Asia to World Statement aims to enhance more thorough and realistic commitments from parliamentarians, ministers, and experts, and promote synergies to effectively tackle climate change and water crises,

Recalling E/RES/2019/25, ‘Science, Technology, and Innovation for Development’, the resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council of United Nations on 23 July 2019, that emphasized implications of technical and scientific developments for the faster achievement of 2030 Agenda,

Reiterating the 1st Asia to World Statement on 31 March 2017 at the first Asia International Water Week, which emphasized strengthened cooperation and share of knowledge among all experts and stakeholders are critical when establishing effective resolutions on water and environmental crises; hence, desiring to concretize the commitments on “Asia to World Statement II: AWC Expert Declaration”,

Do hereby state our will and commitment to:

C1. Representing the youth in the Asia Water Council to ensure the proper information dissemination about the current water and water-related issues in the Asia Pacific Region;

C2. Emphasizing the need for youth-led cooperation and educational projects about the effective management of water and environment specifically in the Asia Pacific Region and become a role model to other youth organizations across the globe;

C3. Utilizing our knowledge to develop partnerships and programs with the private and public sectors that will help the countries in the Asia Pacific Region specially on sustainable growth, smart water solutions, efficient water uses, water environment protections, climate change and resilience on water-related disasters;

C4. Strengthening ties with the governmental and non-governmental sectors by bridging the gap between experts and citizens through promotion of mutual cooperation and capacity building;

C5. Encouraging the implementation of nature-based solutions and minimize impacts on environment when establishing water infrastructures or any activities undertaken related to water, and therefore to achieve resilient human settlements and protect biodiversity;

C6. Developing youth-led programs to highlight importance of discovering new knowledge, disseminating information, facilitating new technologies and novel findings, and establishing greater access to relevant information in deriving strategies for management of water and our environment;

C7. Suggesting all parties to routinely evaluate executed actions in compliance with the relevant statements, and make further analyses and effective implementations to fulfill the agreed commitments together through future activities with relevant stakeholders;

C8. Deciding the final outcomes in relation to the second Asia to World Statements to be reviewed during the 3rd Asia International Water Week in 2024, China, and to update the Statements as necessary.

“The Asia Water Council-Young Professionals ensure to take part in providing solutions to the global water problems and guarantee to represent the leaders of tomorrow in multi-stakeholders dialogues.”